
Dieting And Exercising For Weight Loss: Why You Must Do Both

Weight loss is no joke. If you are suffering from obesity, losing weight can become a gruelingly challenging task. However, it’s not impossible if you combine dieting and exercising for weight loss. 

It doesn’t matter how much you weigh and how impossible the task might seem. You will lose weight quickly if you follow the proper diet and exercise regularly. Soon, you will have the physique you want, making your peers jealous of your insane transformation! 

However, which one is more important? Will only dieting or only exercising do the trick? Or are they both necessary to complete your transformation? Moreover, how to lose weight with PCOS through dieting and exercising? 

Read this post to find out the answer to these questions! 

Why Is Dieting Important for Reducing Weight?

Many people believe that simply exercising will help you lose weight. However, that’s not true since you must start dieting and exercising for weight loss. 

However, dieting for weight loss doesn’t mean not starving until you look like Christian Bale from The Mechanic. Dieting for weight loss is eating the right foods in quantity to lose weight slowly. 

Therefore, if you start dieting, how will it help you lose weight? Here are some of the reasons why dieting will help you to lose weight: 

1. Dieting Helps You Achieve a Regulated State of Calorie Deficit

You can sum up calories in one simple word – energy. It’s a unit for measuring the energy you gain from consuming food. Therefore, the more calorie-dense food you eat, the more energy you will have throughout the day. 

However, what do you think happens to the calories you consume if you don’t burn them through physical exercise? It gets stored in your body as a layer of fat, thicker over time. 

One of the primary reasons people gain weight is because they are in a state of caloric surplus. This can happen for many reasons, like having a sedentary lifestyle or not having too much physical exercise. 

However, when dieting, you must eat food so as not to remain hungry throughout the day.  

Therefore, the correct course of action here is to eat food that is not calorie-dense but is nutritionally dense. This includes food like (but not limited to): 

  • Green leaves and vegetables 
  • Lean meat 
  • Eggs 
  • Root vegetables like potatoes 
  • Fruits 
  • Beans and legumes 
  • Nuts 
  • Whole grains 

2. Dieting Improves Your Overall Health 

Besides helping you lose weight, dieting also allows you to stay healthy. If you eat the right food in the correct quantity, you will steadily lose weight while remaining energetic throughout the day. 

Moreover, following a healthy diet helps you keep a healthy gut so you don’t suffer from gastric problems. It’s necessary to do so since gastric issues often lead to weight gain instead of weight loss! Furthermore, who wants to suffer from Diarrhea? 

Therefore, healthy guts keep you energetic and healthy, which often reflects on your face’s glow! 

Why Is Exercising Important for Reducing Weight?

Now that you know why dieting is essential for weight loss, you mustn’t forget the primary question of this post: why both dieting and exercising for weight loss is crucial

Therefore, to lose weight, you must diet and exercise simultaneously. However, how does exercising help in weight loss? 

Exercising helps in many ways to help you lose weight in many ways, like: 

1. Exercising Burns Calories for Faster Weight Loss 

The primary benefit of dieting and exercising for weight loss is to gain fewer calories and burn them faster. 

Gaining fat is the last thing you want if you wish to lose weight. Therefore, burning calories is necessary for not gaining any extra layers of fat, especially in your abdominal area. 

Exercising, especially cardio, is one of the best ways to lose fat and helps you lose weight. By exercising, you lose weight since strenuous physical activity uses the extra calories stored in your fat layers as energy. 

Doing so makes you sweat and steadily lose fat over time!  

However, only certain forms of exercise target your layers of fat. Bodybuilding exercises like lifting weights won’t help you lose weight. Therefore, if you consider dieting and exercising for weight loss, you must focus on more cardio exercises.  

Such cardio exercises include: 

  • Jogging 
  • Brisk walking 
  • Sprinting 
  • Treadmilling 
  • Skipping 
  • Cycling 

2. Exercising Sheds Fat to Help You Stay in Shape and Gain Strength 

Dieting and exercising for weight loss is a long process. It takes a month or two of consistent dieting and exercising to see results in the mirror finally. Moreover, you will realize whether it’s working by observing your physique

Dieting and exercising for weight loss helps you get your dream physique. Therefore, it lets you stay in shape once you start seeing results.  

However, losing weight and building a good physique has many medical benefits since you have less fat and your harmful cholesterol levels drop, which keeps your liver and heart healthy. 

Moreover, it has several psychological benefits. For example, many people gain a confidence boost as they feel great about themselves! This confidence is necessary since it helps a lot in socializing and achieving professional targets! 

Consistent Dieting and Exercising for Weight Loss Is a Necessity

Now that you know why both dieting and exercising for weight loss are necessary, it’s time for you to do so! 

Therefore, consult a nutritionist and a gym trainer. They will help you set a strict diet and exercise plan per your current physique. If you follow their plans consistently, you will shed fat in the next few months and quickly get the Chris-Hemsworth-like physique! 

Thanks for reading this post! Please comment below if you have any queries regarding dieting and exercising for weight loss!

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